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As per the power delegated to the undersigned by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi vide Order in W.P. ( C ) 10353/2017 & C.M No.42203/2017, Dated 24/11/2017 and 03/01/2018 respectively, NOTICE is hereby given that the Elections of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Committee of the Judo Federation of India for tenure of four (4) years will be held on Saturday, 10th February 2018, at Delhi. The venue of the election voting will be intimated shortly.
The Schedule of the election process along with the Form for submitting the name of the Authorized Representative ( s) who will be part of the Electoral College and the provision related to the election in the Model Election Guidelines of MYAS and JFI Constitution are enclosed.
You are requested to intimate names of Authorized Representative ( s) on or before 19th January 2018, 5.p.m., in the enclosed Form. Any changes in name of Authorized Representatives in the Electoral College will be accepted only until the date of filing of nomination.
Date: 10/01/2018
Place: New Delhi
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